Where is Al Nassr Club located?

The is club is located in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Al Uraija district - Prince Abdulrahman bin Saud Street . 

How can I follow Al Nassr Club news?

You can follow Al Nassr Club news through more than one ways:

1. Al Nassr mobile (626262)

2. Official website of Al Nassr Club http://www.alnassrfc.com

3. Al Nassr Club Official Twitter Account http://www.twitter.com/AlNassrSaudiFC


Can I become a member of Al Nassr Club?

You can join the club membership easily. All you have to do is come to the headquarters of Al Nassr and request to join the club. After joining you will receive a membership card which entitles you to become an official member of Al Nassr Club.


Where can I find Al Nassr uniforms, products and collectibles?

You can buy all our products at the Al Nassr Club Shop in KSA or you can order online through the official e-shop http://www.alnassrstore.com


How can I contact Al Nassr Club?

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

PO Box 60506 - 11555 Riyadh

Phone No.: +966 112624464

Fax No.: +966 112624494





Al Nassr - Al Fateh

Saudi Professional League

King Fahd International Stadium, 12 August


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